Tuesday, July 1, 2008

A First Post

-What to say other than I am new at blogging-

After reading soo many other blogs out there in blog land, I decided to join to write about my interests in knitting and other hobbies I have.

To start off, I am mad crazy about lace - I love all lace patterns and enjoy looking at intricate detailed motifs.  Its interesting how the finished fabric drapes depending on the materials used either from fine gossamer threads to horse weight yarns to where the motifs are placed.  When I first started knitting about 4 years ago, my objective was to knit lace for no reason at all other than to say 'I can'!

I usually don't keep my FO's, they are either given away to friends or gifted to my Grandmother.   I could always knit a Shetland Lace Stole and wear it to the office on cold windy days or go to drag nite at one of the local gay bars here in Halifax, but its not so much the finished object that I admire, its the process of doing that I find interesting.  Its those tedious hours of knitting Shetland Lace or those long knit a patterned row and purl the next row kinda lace, the mood Im in, sitting in coffee shops and knitting glancing up every now and then looking at the people staring at me with a look of 'What is he doing?' on their faces.  Its the everything in between form cast on to blocking that makes it an interesting piece to me!   

Aside form knitting lace, I started doing color work last winter for the first time and thoroughly enjoy it, so much Im planning a FI vest (in DK weight mind you) and am making Eunny Jang's  Venezia Pullover.  -The two have very similar qualities ~ both have a background and pattern theme.  I find that in fair isle sweaters and patterns the background is most interesting with its subdued earth tone shades that don't clamor for attention to heathery peppy colors that illuminate and call for attention.  Its what makes a piece or not, just my opinion!

Comparing the two, I suppose the same goes for lace, Of Course!  Its the ground upon which it is worked that is most interesting.  Depending on what I want to knit or my cockiness, the yarn that is available (usually from my stash), the amount of time I want to put into something, the ground means everything. 

Its the garter stitch background with YO's in every row that makes a visually detailed piece to knitting in the round kind of lace!  Eugen Beugler, Elizabeth Zimmerman and Dale Long to name a few! Hell yea!  I wouldn't be sitting here typing about knitting if it wasn't for them :)

To say the least, Im working on getting a camera to take photos for updates and what nots :) poor student you know (hehe)
